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Ecological flexibility and adaptation to past climate change in the Middle Nile Valley: A multiproxy investigation of dietary shifts between the Neolithic and Kerma periods at Kadruka 1 and Kadruka 21

Fig 11

Examples of phytolith morphotypes extracted from sediment samples from KDK1 Middle Neolithic grave fills.

(A) Bulliform flabellate phytolith extracted from sediment adhering to individual SK 42; (B–F) Phytoliths extracted from sediment adhering to individual SK 55, (B) Articulated Elongate dentate phytoliths; (C) Articulated Elongate dendritic phytoliths; (D) Articulated Elongate dendritic with attached Interdigitate layer; (E–F) Articulated Elongate dendritic with attached Interdigitate layer and Papillate cells. White arrows in Panel D, E and F indicate Interdigitate phytolith layer attached to Elongate dendritic phytoliths. Scale bar (20 μm) applies to all panels.

Fig 11
