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Changes in the proteome and secretome of rat liver sinusoidal endothelial cells during early primary culture and effects of dexamethasone

Fig 10

Effect of Dex on rat LSEC morphology in early primary cultures.

(A-C) Scanning electron micrographs of LSECs cultured for the indicated time points in the presence or absence of 1 μg/ml Dex. Inserts show sieve plates (A-C) and cell borders (B, C) at higher magnification. (D) Extent of LSEC surface area with high density (H, ≥ 15 sieve plates (SP)/area), medium density (M, 5–14 SP/area), and low density (L, 0–4 SP/area) of fenestrae organized in SP in percent of total LSEC surface area, at the indicated time points and treatments. The number of SP was counted per 400 μm2 squares on images from randomly picked larger areas in the LSEC cultures. At least 100 squares were scored for each treatment in each experiment. The average values of 3 biological replicates are presented in the figure. The observed changes in % highly fenestrated areas were significant between 2 and 24 h (one-way ANOVA, p < 0.05, n = 3) but not between Dex- and non-treated groups at 24 h.

Fig 10
