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Prevention of non-infectious pulmonary complications after intra-bone marrow stem cell transplantation in mice

Fig 4

Allogeneic reaction induced sustained donor cell infiltration into the lung.

(A) Lethally (9-Gy-split dose) irradiated BALB/c mice were transplanted with 2 × 106 FVB/N-Tg spleen T cells and 5 × 106 FVB/N-Tg BM cells. Recipient mice were sacrificed after 5 days and imaged ex vivo. The color change (red, most intense; blue, least intense) reflects donor cell numbers. (B) Ex vivo lung images obtained 5 days after transplantation. The color changes (red, most intense; blue, least intense) reflect BLI photon emission, and thus the numbers of donor cells. A representative image is shown. (C) Quantitative ex vivo BLI photon emission analysis on day 5 (Allo IV, n = 10; Allo IBM, n = 10). Data from two independent experiments were combined. **P = 0.001. Allo: allogeneic, IV: intravenous, IBM: intra-bone marrow.

Fig 4
