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The dynamic network of IS30 transposition pathways

Fig 4

Southern analysis of rearrangements in i211 and i232 insertion strains.

(A) The schematic map of the 5.8–6.1 min genomic region of E. coli TG2 derived strain i211, where IS30cat has inserted next to the IRR of IS30A. Symbols are as in Fig 3A. (B) A representative set of genomic DNA samples of individual clones derived from the descendants of i211 (lanes 1–6) and i232 (lanes 7–9). Lane 10 –total DNA of strain TG2. The total DNA digested with EcoRI-XhoI (E and X indicates the respective restriction sites on panel A) were hybridized to a full length IS30 probe. Bands representing the resident IS30 copies are indicated as IS30A-D, while those referring to the original insertion or the expected DDS derivatives are in bold. Unidentified hybridizing bands (marked by asterisks) may represent insertions, deletions, or inversions. In contrast, i232, where the IS30cat insertion occurred at a chromosomal hot spot (lanes 7–9) did not produce any rearranged products. For uncropped image, see S3 Fig in S1 File.

Fig 4
