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Trpc6 gain-of-function disease mutation enhances phosphatidylserine exposure in murine platelets

Fig 6

TRPC6-PAM-C20 enhances wild-type and mutant TRPC6-mediated calcium influx.

A, Fura-2 fluorescence ratio (340/380) time-course in WT and KI platelets stimulated with the indicated combinations of C20 (10 μM) and GSK (50 μM) after 30 seconds; n = 10 using platelets from 5 mice per genotype. The post-stimulation Fura-2 fluorescence ratio peak (B), and area under the curve (C) are shown; two way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test. D, percentage of DN platelets staining with Annexin V after being stimulated with thrombin (Thr) or thrombin plus C20; n = 2 per group; paired t-test.

Fig 6
