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Using agent-based modeling to compare corrective actions for Listeria contamination in produce packinghouses

Fig 5

Comparison of corrective action efficacy against baseline conditions in Facility A.

Efficacy was calculated using Eq 2 for each area (i.e., “wet” and “dry”) within a model for each applicable corrective action and displayed by median efficacy (red line marker) and interquartile range (black dot crossed by line marker). Positive efficacy indicated a lower Listeria prevalence in the model with a corrective action compared to the baseline model and thus effectiveness of the corrective action, while zero or negative efficacy indicated that the corrective action is predicted to not be able to reduce the agent contamination prevalence. Panel A: Facility A Wet area. Panel B: Facility A Dry area. PR_01-PR_03: Random Event Occurrence Reduction (125%; 150%; 175% event delay from baseline respectively). LR_01-LR_03: Random Load Reduction (1–3 Log10, respectively). PZ_01-PZ_04: Z4 Event Occurrence Reduction (25%; 50%; 75%; 100% reduction from baseline respectively). LZ_01-LZ_03: Z4 Load Reduction (1–3 Log10, respectively). EC_01-EC_04: Reduction of Listeria Prevalence in incoming produce (25%; 50%; 75%; 100% reduction from baseline, respectively). MI_01: Cleaning Effectiveness Improvement (increased Listeria removed during reduction events increased by 3 log10). MI_02: Weekend Deep Clean (Removal of Listeria from all agents regardless of cleanability status every Sunday). AI_01: Enhanced Flume Water Treatment (2 log10 removal of Listeria in flume agent per hour of production). AI_02/AI_02C1/AI_02C2: Broad Model-based Master Sanitation Restructuring (Agent cleaning and sanitation schedules were fully reassigned according to a mean contamination probability; Facility A was given a daily schedule for both “Cleaning Only” and “Cleaning & Sanitation” respectively). AI_03/AI_03C1/AI_03C2: Directed Model-based Master Sanitation Schedule Restructuring (Sanitization of agents with a mean contamination probability ≥66% was set to a daily frequency; Facility A was given a daily schedule for both “Cleaning Only” and “Cleaning & Sanitation” respectively). AI_04: Transmission Pathways Modification Corrective Action (Drain compartmentalization). CI_01: EC_02 and AI_02C2 were applied simultaneously. CI_02: EC_02 and AI_04 were applied simultaneously. CI_03: AI_02C2 and AI_04 were applied simultaneously.

Fig 5
