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Influence of habitat complexity on the prey mortality in IGP system involving insect predators (Heteroptera) and prey (Diptera): Implications in biological control

Fig 7

The ‘multiplicative risk model’ measures (pA, pB, pA+B) for the IGP system with different shared prey (A. mosquito larvae and B. chironomid larvae) in complex habitat conditions (v–vegetation, p–pebbles and v+p—vegetation and pebbles) against open conditions expressed as a ratio (k–value, mean ± SE) for the three IG predators (S—D. rusticus, R—R. filiformis and L—L. griseus), in two density (L– 2 individuals and H—4 individuals) under low and (50 individuals) and high (200 individuals) prey density. The dashed lines in each graph represent the reference value of 1, equivalent to the value of no difference between the complex habitat condition and open condition.

Fig 7
