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Photosynthetic performance of rocket (Eruca sativa. Mill.) grown under different regimes of light intensity, quality, and photoperiod

Fig 11

Effects of LED light modes on chlorophyll a fluorescence induction kinetics of the dark-acclimated (A) and RLC of the light-acclimated (B) of electron transport ratio (ETR) in rocket leaves. The points are means ± SE of 4 replicates followed by the same letters meaning no different significantly according to the Duncan test (P ≤ 0.05). Sort significance letters from top to bottom according to the treatments (ML1-CK). LM1 = A1:B1:C1, LM2 = A1:B2:C2, LM3 = A1:B3:C3, LM4 = A2:B1:C2, LM5 = A2:B2:C3, LM6 = A2:B3:C1, LM7 = A3:B1:C3, LM8 = A3:B2:C1, LM9 = A3:B3:C1, CK = White fluorescent light.

Fig 11
