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H2O2 gel bleaching induces cytotoxicity and pain conduction in dental pulp stem cells via intracellular reactive oxygen species on enamel/dentin disc

Fig 2

Identification of dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs).

Flow-cytometry (A) illustrates the immunophenotypic characteristics of human DPSCs. Human DPSCs were positive for cell surface antigens CD73, CD90, and CD105, as well as negative for CD14, CD20, CD34, and CD45. DPSCs were cultured under osteogenic (B, 14 days) or adipogenic (C, 21 days) conditions and showed mineralized nodules and lipid clusters as revealed by alizarin red and oil red staining, respectively. Scale bar = 400 (B) or 100 (C) μm.

Fig 2
