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Detection of locomotion deficit in a post-traumatic syringomyelia rat model using automated gait analysis technique

Fig 6

PTSM injury affects diagonal limb coordination of right hindlimb–left forelimb but not left hindlimb–right forelimb.

a) The right hindlimb–left forelimb coordination was altered by PTSM injury with wide phase dispersion observed especially at week 6 as compared to week 1. b) There was no effect of PTSM injury on left hindlimb–right forelimb coordination. For all graphs, data are presented as histograms normalized to total step count at that particular time point. For the uninjured group n = 4–6 and PTSM group n = 6–9, and both groups subsamples (steps) s = 4 to 6. * denotes p<0.05, ** denotes p<0.01, *** denotes p<0.005, **** denotes p<0.001 represents statistical significance as determined by the mixed-effect model with Tukey’s post hoc (p<0.05).

Fig 6
