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Herb-partitioned moxibustion alleviates colonic inflammation in Crohn’s disease rats by inhibiting hyperactivation of the NLRP3 inflammasome via regulation of the P2X7R-Pannexin-1 signaling pathway

Fig 9

Protein expression of NLRP3, ASC, and caspase-1 in colon tissues from each group.

Note: (A) Western blot analysis of NLRP3 protein in colon homogenate in each group. (B) Western blot analysis of ASC protein in colon homogenate in each group. (C) Western blot analysis of caspase-1 protein in colon homogenate in each group. aP < 0.01, bP <0.05 vs the NG; cP<0.01, dP<0.05 vs the MG; eP<0.01,fP<0.05 vs the HPMG; gP<0.01, hP<0.05 vs the BBG-G. NG: normal group; MG: model group; HPMG: herb-partitioned moxibustion group; BBG-G: brilliant blue G group; SMG: sham moxibustion group. Data are presented as the (), n = 8.

Fig 9
