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Herb-partitioned moxibustion alleviates colonic inflammation in Crohn’s disease rats by inhibiting hyperactivation of the NLRP3 inflammasome via regulation of the P2X7R-Pannexin-1 signaling pathway

Fig 3

CMDIs and colon length in each group.

Note: (A) CMDIs in each group. (B) Colon length in each group. (C) Colon images in each group. aP < 0.01, bP < 0.05 vs the NG; cP<0.01, dP<0.05 vs the MG. NG: normal group; MG: model group; HPMG: herb-partitioned moxibustion group; BBG-G: brilliant blue G group; SMG: sham moxibustion group. Data are presented as the Median (P25, P75) in (A) and () in (B), n = 8.

Fig 3
