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Modeling the evolution of COVID-19 via compartmental and particle-based approaches: Application to the Cyprus case

Fig 3

Fitting the SEIQR model.

In the top panel, we show the reported cases in Cyprus (circles) as a function of time and the result of fitting our SEIQR model. We consider three periods taking tf = 84 (blue curve), 114 (orange curve), and 128 (green curve) that overlap with the data. The blue shaded region shows the interval between March 25th and May 21st, used as t1 and t2 in Eq (7). The dashed curves and bands show the predicted mean value and 90% confidence level as the time range being fitted varies by changing tf. The central panel shows Rmodel with the solid curves and Rintegral with the dashed curves. The bottom panel shows the ratio of undetected r(t).

Fig 3
