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Modeling the evolution of COVID-19 via compartmental and particle-based approaches: Application to the Cyprus case

Fig 1

Setting the particle model time scale.

Left panel (A): The average number of transmissions per individual as a function of time R(t) for representative values of the infectious period in simulation time units (τi/a), namely for τi/a = 1.25 (blue), 2 (orange), 2.75 (green), 3.5 (red), and 4.25 (purple). The dashed vertical line shows t = τi + τe for each case. The errorband in R(t) is from 256 statistics. Right panel (B): The basic reproduction number R0 obtained as R(τi + τe) from the particle model as a function of the infectious period in simulation time units (τi/a). The exposed time τe is fixed to τe = τi/5. The blue line and band are the result of a linear fit to R0. The horizontal dashed line shows R0 = 3.5, used to set the scale a, via τi = 10 days.

Fig 1
