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Quick self-assembly of bio-inspired multi-dimensional well-ordered structures induced by ultrasonic wave energy

Fig 4

Highly ordered two-dimensional self-assembly of mesoscale hexagonal microplatelets in water.

(a) Schematic illustration of the self-assembling process by using ultrasonic waves. Microplatelets self-assembled with top or bottom face adhering to the surface of the glass tube. (b-c) Photographs of (b) manipulation of self-assembly happening inside the glass tube by using ultrasonic waves, and (c) observation of organized pattern after self-assembly was finished by using stereomicroscope. (d) Optical image of the large area two-dimensional self-assembled aggregation at the bottom concave surface of the glass tube. (e-f) Zoom-in optical images of (e) area of dense and well-packed two-dimensional pattern formed by self-assembly (scale bar is 400 μm), and (f) defective area where self-assembled microplatelets still demonstrated precise organization as predesigned (scale bar is 400 μm).

Fig 4
