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Effectiveness of orally-delivered double-stranded RNA on gene silencing in the stinkbug Plautia stali

Fig 2

RNAi by feeding through green bean pods.

(A) Rearing devices with green bean pods. In each 1000 ml beaker, a bean pod was supported to stand with a small paper box and immersed in dsRNA solution with absorbent cotton, on which newly molted fifth-instar nymphs were reared. (B) A fifth-instar nymph feeding on a green bean pod. Red arrow indicates the stylet inserted into the pod. (C) Adult emergence rates of fifth-instar nymphs fed on green bean pods immersed in dsRNA solution. Mean adult emergence rates with standard deviations are shown. Adult emergence rates among 10 nymphs were determined. The experiment was performed in three parallels and the mean adult emergence rates with standard deviations are shown. Numbers above bars show total sample sizes. No statistically significant differences were observed (P > 0.05, t-test). (D) Gene silencing efficiency of orally-delivered dsRNA through green bean pods. Total RNAs were extracted 4 days after treatment of fifth-instar nymphs, and the relative expression level of PsvATPase subunit D or PsIAP to PsrpL32 was calculated by quantitative RT-PCR. The numbers in parentheses are sample sizes. Statistically significant differences were evaluated by t-test.

Fig 2
