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RNA polymerases in strict endosymbiont bacteria with extreme genome reduction show distinct erosions that might result in limited and differential promoter recognition

Fig 8

Proposed functional RNAP models of bacterial endosymbionts with reduced genomes.

The conserved domains in each group of bacteria are present in each illustration. Figures correspond to E. coli RNAP (Eco), Nasuia strains RNAP, and Carsonella strains RNAP. In Hodgkinia strains in orange, the TETULN, TETUND1, and TETUND1 strains use the -10 extended region. In purple, Dsem strains recognize the -35 element. Candidatus Tremblaya phenacola PAVE, Princeps PCIT, and PCVAL RNAP model (Based on [10, 76]).

Fig 8
