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The roles of jim lovell and uninflatable in different endopolyploid larval tissues of Drosophila melanogaster

Fig 6

The roles of lov and uif in fat body EP growth.

A. Myc over-expression is epistatic to lov knockdown in the fat body. The upper left panel shows mean nuclear areas for fat body cells expressing lov RNAi, Myc, or both constructs, using the Lpp-Gal4 fat body driver. Data for two control genotypes (Lpp-Gal4 > mRFP; lov RNAi and Lpp-Gal4 > Myc; GFP) that carry the same UAS copy number as the lov RNAi; Myc test genotype are shown. The means for the Myc; GFP and Myc; lov RNAi genotypes are not statistically different from the Myc genotype mean (p = 0.21 and p = 0.07 respectively). The upper right panel shows the distribution of nuclear sizes for the same five genotypes. For the y axis, Probability represents the probability of nuclei of that particular size in the tissue, as graphed in 1 micron2 increments. Note the data for the lov RNAi tissue and mRFP; lov RNAi tissue are almost perfectly superimposed and therefore hard to distinguish in the graph. For each genotype, fat body from 10 larvae and 500 nuclei total were examined. Lower panels show images of fat body cells with DAPI stained nuclei for all five genotypes. Error bars = SEMs. Scale bar = 50 μm. B. uif knockdown has no effect on nuclear size in the fat body. The left panel shows means and standard deviations for nuclear areas in control fat body tissue and tissue expressing uif RNAi. The middle panel shows distributions of nuclear sizes as for Fig 8A. The right panels show images of DAPI-stained control and uif RNAi fat body tissue. For each genotype, tissue from 10 larvae was examined and 500 nuclei were measured. Scale bar = 50 μm.

Fig 6
