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Different types of cartilage neotissue fabricated from collagen hydrogels and mesenchymal stromal cells via SOX9, TGFB1 or BMP2 gene transfer

Fig 5

Immunohistochemical analyzes for type II collagen in MSC hydrogels after chondrogenic differentiation by adenoviral gene transfer of SOX9, TGFB1 or BMP2.

MSCs in monolayer cultures were infected with Ad.GFP (Control; a), Ad.SOX9 (b), Ad.TGFB1 (c) or Ad.BMP2 (d) at 5 x 102 vp/cell for each vector as indicated, seeded into hydrogel aggregates 24 h post infection and cultured in serum-free medium for 21 days. Immunohistochemical staining for type II collagen (COL II), the predominant collagen in hyaline cartilage, was performed on representative sections after 21 days. (a-d) Panels are shown at low (50x; bar = 200 μm) or high (200x; bar = 50 μm) magnification as indicated, and regions of positive immunostaining appear brown.

Fig 5
