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Sevoflurane versus ketamine+diazepam anesthesia for assessing systemic and hepatic hemodynamics in rats with non-cirrhotic portal hypertension

Fig 3

A) Respiratory rate, B) heart rate, C) mean arterial pressure (MAP), and D) central venous pressure (CVP) in normal rats (Ctrl) and rats with partial portal vein ligation (PPVL) anesthetized with sevoflurane (Sevo) or ketamine+diazepam (KD).

Median [IQR] of Ctrl+Sevo vs. Ctrl+KD vs. PPVL+Sevo vs. PPVL+KD for: Respiratory rate (brpm): 63 [57, 69] vs. 120 [100, 122] vs. 52 [45, 58] vs. 103 [93, 116]; Heart rate (bpm): 351 [334, 389] vs. 414 [371, 454] vs. 329 [316, 332] vs. 402 [374, 438]; MAP (mmHg): 81 [75, 93] vs. 88 [76, 95] vs. 84 [83, 90] vs. 96 [85, 105]; CVP (mmHg): 1.6 [1.0, 3.9] vs. -0.2 [-0.7, 0.7] vs. 1.4 [0.0, 3.1] vs. 1.5 [1.0, 3.2]. *** p< 0.001, **** p< 0.0001 One-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-hoc tests. The line and dots represent the median and individual rat values, respectively. The dash lines represent the mean respiratory rate (142 brpm) and heart rate (340 bpm) reported in normal awake rats in prior studies [21].

Fig 3
