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Novel recombinant Mce-truncated protein based ELISA for the diagnosis of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection in domestic livestock

Fig 2

(A) Colony PCR for MAP mce-truncated gene, Lane M: 1kb DNA ladder (#SM0313, Fermentas), Lane 1: Positive control (MAP Indian Bison type DNA), Lane 2: Negative control (Nuclease Free Water), Lane 4: Negative in colony PCR for MAP Mce-truncated genes, Lanes 3 and 5–12 positive in colony PCR for MAP Mce-truncated genes; (B) Restriction digestion of confirmed colony PCR positive PTZ57R/T mce-truncated clones: Lane M: 1kb DNA ladder (#SM0313, Fermentas), Lane 2: Double digested pET28a plasmid, Lanes 4 and 6: Positive clones of PTZ57R/T mce-truncated plasmid; (C) Restriction digestion of confirmed colony PCR positive pET28a mce-truncated clones; Lane M: 1kb DNA ladder (RBC), lanes 1 and 2: Positive clones of PTZ57R/T mce-truncated plasmid.

Fig 2
