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Oral Immunization with HIV-1 Envelope SOSIP trimers elicits systemic immune responses and cross-reactive anti-V1V2 antibodies in non-human primates

Fig 3

Increase in CD83+ myeloid dendritic cells following vaccination in all immunization groups.

The frequency of mature CD83+ myeloid dendritic cells (CD14-CD3-CD20-CD123-HLADR+) was evaluated longitudinally in freshly isolated PBMC for all immunization groups: iEp (A), NF (B), and IM (C). Statistical significance was determined using repeated measures ANOVA with a bonferroni post-hoc test. Timepoints statistically different than week 0 are denoted with #, while timepoints statistically different than the most recent vaccination time point (week 4 or week 16) denoted with *.

Fig 3
