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The transition from local to global patterns governs the differentiation of mouse blastocysts

Fig 3

DP cells in early blastocysts cluster together according to their GATA6 levels (data I).

(A-B) Spearman’s correlation coefficients of GATA6 levels of a cell and median GATA6 levels of its neighbours (A) or of NANOG levels of a cell and median NANOG levels of its neighbours (B) in the indicated populations in the ICM at the indicated embryonic developmental stages for data I. The error bars represent the standard errors calculated by bootstrap sampling the experimental data 100 times. **: p<0.01; Mann-Whitney test with Bonferroni correction for the null model; ns: not significant. See also S5 Fig and S1 Text for further details. Striped boxes indicate those populations composed of less than 108 cells. In those cases, no statistical analysis was performed. Details on the number of embryos and cells analysed are in S1 and S2 Tables.

Fig 3
