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Origin of the natural variation in the storage of dietary carotenoids in freshwater amphipod crustaceans

Fig 1

(A) Concentration of circulating carotenoids, (B) density of haemocytes, (C) natural PO activity and (D) total PO activity of the haemolymph of gammarids under field conditions (black filled lozenges, left symbols), and after 21 days of diet supplementation with carotenoids for non-supplemented control gammarids (open circles) and supplemented gammarids (red triangles), for the two populations within each of the two MOTUs of Gammarus fossarum (Gf I and Gf VII). All values are mean ± se. For each population, sampling, and diet treatment, N = 30 gammarids for carotenoid concentrations, N = 15 gammarids for each immune parameter.

Fig 1
