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Mapping quantitative trait loci associated with leaf rust resistance in five spring wheat populations using single nucleotide polymorphism markers

Fig 1

Frequency distribution of five doubled populations (a) Vesper/Lillian, (b) Vesper/Stettler, (c) Carberry/Vesper, (d) Stettler/Red Fife, and (e) Carberry/AC Cadillac for adult plant leaf rust severity.

Arrows indicate parent leaf rust severity: C, Carberry; Cd, AC Cadillac; V, Vesper; L, Lillian; S, Stettler; Rf, Red Fife. In the key, the test year is preceded by the location defined as follows: SC, Swift Current, MD, Morden, Canada, and LN, Lincoln, New Zealand.

Fig 1
