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Analysis of serum inflammatory mediators in type 2 diabetic patients and their influence on renal function

Fig 4

Correlations between cytokine serum levels and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in T2DM patients and T2DM with RA.

(a) Positive and significant correlation between IL-4 level and eGFR in T2DM patients. (b) Negative and significant correlation, in T2DM patients, between TNFR1 level and eGFR, (c) between TNFR2 level and eGFR and (d) between leptin level and eGFR. (e) Negative and significant correlation, in T2DM with RA group, between TNFR1 level and eGFR and (f) between resistin level and eGFR. RA, renal alteration.

Fig 4
