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Short chain fatty acids produced by colonizing intestinal commensal bacterial interaction with expressed breast milk are anti-inflammatory in human immature enterocytes

Fig 2

SCFA inhibited IL-1β induced IL-8 secretion in H4 organoids and other fetal human intestinal organoids.

H4 organoids (A), and fetal human small intestinal organoids from gestational age 15-week (B) and 22-week (C) cultured as a monolayer in trans-well plates were pretreated with 20 mM of acetate, propionate or butyrate for 30 min before IL-1β stimulation (1ng/ml for 24h). The secretion of IL-8 into the supernatants was measured by Elisa. Data are represented as the mean ± SEM of three independent experiments. One -way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc tests were used for statistic, n = 3. Differences compared to the control group were considered significant at*p<0.05, **p<0.01, *** p<0.001; differences compared to the IL-1β group were considered significant at # p<0.05, ### p<0.001.

Fig 2
