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Chemerin contributes to in vivo adipogenesis in a location-specific manner

Fig 2

Chemerin’s adipogenic potential is location-specific.

Histograms of adipocyte area show that mesenteric adipocytes with chemerin knocked-out have reduced area (A) whereas in retroperitoneal fat, there is no difference between WT and KO (B). Statistical significance of shifts in the histogram were performed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of frequency distribution with a p < 0.05. Five images of each biological replicate were analyzed and combined to create the histogram. Each bin was normalized to a percent of the total count for that individual tissue. To see distribution changes early on the x-axis, the x-axis was shortened and does not include some data at higher adipocyte sizes. PCR analysis showed that in these KO mesenteric adipocytes, adiponectin (adipoq), fatty acid synthase (fasn), perilipin (plin1), and leptin (lep) were significantly reduced. PPAR gamma (pparg) did not show any statistical significance (C-G). All points and bars represent mean ± SEM for a biological replicate N = 5. * represents p < 0.05 for the respective statistical test.

Fig 2
