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SNP-based association study of kernel architecture in a worldwide collection of durum wheat germplasm

Fig 1

Frequency distribution of kernel-related traits.

(A) kernel area (KA), (B) kernel circumference (KC), (C) kernel diameter (KD), (D) kernel length (KL), (E) kernel roundness (KR), (F) kernel width (KW), (G) length/width ratio (L/W), (H) thousand kernel weight (TKW) for the durum natural population in five consecutive years. P value of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for each trait in each year was shown. Normal distribution could be accepted if P > 0.05, and the expected normal distributions were represented by the trend lines. (I) Correlation coefficients among these eight evaluated kernel traits were calculated by using their five-years best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) values. The two-tailed t test was applied to test the significance of correlation coefficients (*P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01).

Fig 1
