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GLIPR1 expression is reduced in multiple myeloma but is not a tumour suppressor in mice

Fig 4

Glipr1 overexpression in 5TGM1 cells does not affect tumour growth in vivo.

KaLwRij mice were injected intravenously with 5 x 105 5TGM1-Glipr1 or 5TGM1-EV control cells. (A) Tumour burden in the mice was measured weekly from week 2 post-tumour cell inoculation by bioluminescence imaging and the signal from the ventral and dorsal scans were summed for each mouse. A graph of the total flux for the mice injected with 5TGM1-Glipr1 or 5TGM1-EV cells (left) and representative ventral scans of one mouse per cell line over time (right) are shown. (B) Serum was collected from the mice after four weeks and the M-spikes were measured by SPEP. M-spikes (^) on the SPEP gel (left) and the quantitated M-spike intensity (right), normalised to albumin and expressed relative to the EV control, are shown. Graphs depict the mean ± SEM of n = 14–15 mice per cell line from three independent experiments.

Fig 4
