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Feline irradiated diet-induced demyelination; a model of the neuropathology of sub-acute combined degeneration?

Fig 7

Early and late chronic disease with progressive axon loss in the dorsal column.

a) Early chronic disease, the core of the dorsal column (2) appears paler than either the sub-pial zone (1) or the base (3). In the sub-pial zone (1) there is extensive remyelination (*) which is confirmed on high power (right) whereas in the center of the dorsal column (2) there is evidence of axon loss but scattered demyelinated fibers remain (arrows). In the base (3), there is scattered myelin vacuolation and infrequent remyelinated axons. b) Late chronic disease, while the majority of axons in the sub-pial zone (1) are remyelinated (*), the core of dorsal column (2) shows a severe loss of axons with only rare, surviving myelinated fibers. In the base (3) there are more remyelinated axons than seen earlier in the disease (Fig 6A). Scale bar: 0.5 mm (a, b), 20 μm (1–3).

Fig 7
