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Correction: Chl1 DNA helicase and Scc2 function in chromosome condensation through cohesin deposition

Fig 4

Condensation is irreversible in scc2-4 mutants.

A) Flow cytometer data reveals DNA content throughout the experimental analyses. Cells were maintained in nocodazole, post-alpha factor release, for 3 hours at 37°C followed by an additional 1 hour at 23°C. Log phase wildtype and scc2-4 mutant cells, arrested and then released from a G1 arrest, were used in experiments depicted in both Fig 4 and Fig 5, as such the DNA profiles shown for Log phase and Alpha factor are the same in these two figures. B) Chromosome mass and rDNA structures detected using DAPI in wildtype and scc2-4 mutant strains. C) Quantification of condensed (loop/line) and decondensed (puff/other) rDNA populations in wildtype (YBS1039) and scc2-4 mutant (YMM551) cells. Quantifications and statistical analyses of rDNA condensation were obtained from 3 biological replicates for each strain (wildtype and scc2-4 mutant cells) in which each replicate included 100 cells for each strain. Statistical analyses of condensed populations were performed using one-way ANOVA followed by post-hoc Tukey HSD Test (p = 0.001 for wildtype versus scc2-4 mutant cell rDNA condensation at 37°C; p = 0.001 for wildtype versus scc2-4 mutant cell rDNA condensation at 23°C; p = 0.890 for wildtype cell rDNA condensation at 37°C versus 23°C; p = 0.301 for scc2-4 mutant cell rDNA condensation at 37°C versus 23°C). Statistically significant differences (*) are based on p < 0.05.

Fig 4
