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An explorative study identifies miRNA signatures for the diagnosis of non-celiac wheat sensitivity

Fig 6

Principal component analysis of miRNA expression levels in PBL can classify patients with NCWS and controls.

(A) A principal component analysis was performed on the ΔCt values for each gene. First component (PC1) was plotted against second component (PC2) to identify genes driving the two components and to explain the percentage variation. Control group; NCWS group. (B) Fitted ROC curve (blue line) of the first principal component data (red dots). Plotting of the true positive rate versus false positive rate as defined by the PC1 values. AUC = 0.84 ± 0.0624 (p<0.001, Wilcoxon U test). Grey lines: 95% confidence interval of the fitted ROC curve.

Fig 6
