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Overlap between telangiectasia and photoreceptor loss increases with progression of macular telangiectasia type 2

Fig 5

Maximal overlap between telangiectasia and photoreceptor loss in stage IIIb (subretinal proliferative) MacTel.

Right eye, 79-year-old woman. A) Fundus fluorescein angiography (late phase) shows hyperfluorescence from subretinal neovascularization. B) Deep capillary plexus shows parafoveal telangiectasia (pseudocolored in yellow) and widened inter-capillary space; blue asterisks label projection artifact from superficial vessels. C) En face OCT in the plane of the ellipsoid zone is shown with areas of photoreceptor loss pseudocolored in green; white dotted line corresponds to accompanying cross-sectional images. D) En face OCT in the plane of the ellipsoid zone is shown with the superimposed pseudocolored map of ellipsoid loss (green) and overlap (orange), demonstrating maximal (100%) overlap. E,F) Cross-sectional images without and with flow overlays, respectively, show subretinal neovascularization and its association with hyperreflective foci (marked by the white asterisk).

Fig 5
