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Adaptation of H3N2 canine influenza virus to feline cell culture

Fig 2

Growth kinetics of the mutants generated by reverse genetics in CRFK cells.

CRFK cells were infected with recombinant viruses possessing (A) single mutation (rHA1-K299R, rHA2-T107I, rNA-L35R, or rM2-W41C), (B) multiple mutations (rHA1-K299R/NA-L35R, rHA1-K299R/M2-W41C, or rHA1-K299R/NA-L35R/M2-W41C), or recombinant wild-type (rWT) virus at an moi of 0.01. The virus titers were measured at each time point. Error bars represent SD of the means from three independent experiments. The statistical differences in the growth between the mutant viruses and rWT were assessed by two-tailed Student’s t-test (*p<0.05, **p<0.01).

Fig 2
