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RPL22L1 induction in colorectal cancer is associated with poor prognosis and 5-FU resistance

Fig 3

High expression of Rpl22L1 is correlated with poor survival in CRC.

A-B. Representative pictures from a CRC tissue microarray (TMA) show that RPL22L1 is highly expressed in colon adenocarcinoma compared with normal colon at 4X magnification (A) and 20X magnification (B). C. RPL22L1 staining is increased in the cytoplasm (iii) and nucleus (iv) of colon adenocarcinoma compared with normal controls (i-ii), which mainly exhibit stromal staining. D. RPL22L1 expression is variable in different colon adenocarcinoma samples (“-“, negative; “+”, weak positive; and “++”, strong positive). IgG serves as antibody negative control. E-G. Kaplan-Meier analysis of Overall Survival in 23 colon cancer patients using Rpl22L1 IHC data from TMA analysis (OS: E, p = 0.003) or genomic alterations in 625 colon cancer patients from the TCGA provisional data set (OS; F, p = 0.0955). Kaplan-Meier analysis of Disease/Progression-free Survival (G, p = 0.0363) revealed that patients with Rpl22L1 alterations (copy number gain and two-fold greater upregulation) and/or alterations in RPL22 have reduced survival when compared with patients without those alterations. Web links to the TCGA data are embedded in the figure panels.

Fig 3
