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Sequential analysis of myocardial gene expression with phenotypic change: Use of cross-platform concordance to strengthen biologic relevance

Fig 4

Superheat maps.

(A) Spearman’s Rho of baseline vs. LOCF mRNA abundance, superheat map of 19,672 separate mRNA gene products (rows along Y-axis) vs. the 50 candidate gene mRNAs, patients in tile 1 of LVEF change (Fig 2). Arrows indicate candidate genes with concordant changes measured by RT-qPCR and microarray in either the R (Responder) or R/NR (Responder/Nonresponder) analysis; (B) Same as Fig 4A., except data are from tile 2 in Fig 2; (C) Same as Fig 4A., except data are from tile 3 in Fig 2.

Fig 4
