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Gender differences in innate responses and gene expression profiles in memory CD4 T cells are apparent very early during acute simian immunodeficiency virus infection

Fig 4

Plasma levels of MCP-1, I-TAC and MIF are significantly upregulated in female macaques as compared to male macaques during acute SIV infection.

Levels of (a) MIG, (b) IP-10, (c) IFNγ, (d) IL-1RA, (e) Eotaxin, (f) MCP-1, (g) I-TAC, and (h) MIF in the plasma samples that were collected from each animal at day 0, 4 and 10 post-SIV infection from male (n = 4) and female (n = 4) macaques. Error bars represent standard error.

Fig 4
