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Scaffold-based lung tumor culture on porous PLGA microparticle substrates

Fig 2

Physical characterization of porous PLGA MPs.

(A) Particle stability in 10% serum indicating that non-porous PLGA, PLGA-SBC, PLGA-Gelatin, and PLGA-PMPs maintained their diameter and granulometric properties for 3 days. (B) Degradation of porous PLGA MPs investigated at 37°C for 4 weeks. PLGA-Gelatin particles degraded 83% of their initial weight in 28 days while PLGA-SBC particles and PLGA-PMPs were reduced to 61% and 46% of their original weight, respectively. The data plotted in terms of average ± standard error obtained from samples size (n) of 3.

Fig 2
