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Copper transporter 1 (CTR1) expression by mouse testicular germ cells, but not Sertoli cells, is essential for functional spermatogenesis

Fig 3

Ctr1ΔGC mice at PND 41 display presence of undifferentiated spermatogonial cells and normal number of Sertoli cells in adult testes of Ctr1ΔGC mice.

Immunohistochemical nuclear staining for PCNA in GCs of both (A) WT and (B) Ctr1ΔGC testes. Presence of FOXO-1 expressing undifferentiated spermatogonial cells at PND 41 in (C) WT and (D) Ctr1ΔGC testes. Average number of SOX9-positive cells per seminiferous tubules (E). On right, representative immunohistochemical staining from SOX9 analysis of WT and Ctr1ΔGC; arrows indicating SOX9-positive SCs (Average ±SD, N = 3 for each genotype). Scale bar = 100 μm. Histological analysis on Ctr1ΔGC testis at PND 70 indicating multiple clusters of SCs in the lumen indicated by circles (F) with PAS-H staining. SOX9-positive SCs clarifying the SCs clusters in the lumen (G). (H) Presence of FOXO-1-positive spermatogonial cells, indicated by arrows, within the tubules of Ctr1ΔGC testis at PND 70. Scale = 50 μm.

Fig 3
