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Noninvasive technique to evaluate the muscle fiber characteristics using q-space imaging

Fig 3

Quantification of the immunohistological findings.

A: Frequency according to MHC type in each muscle. The frequency of MHC type I cells was significantly higher in the soleus muscle (SOL) than in the tibialis anterior muscle (TA), whereas the frequency of MHC type II cells was significantly higher in TA than in SOL. B: Cell diameter according to MHC type in TA and SOL. The mean diameter of MHC type I cells was significantly lower than that of MHC type II cells of TA and SOL. C: General cell diameter in each muscle (TA and SOL). The mean cell diameter in the TA was significantly higher than that in the SOL. The end of the whisker represents standard deviation. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01.

Fig 3
