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Noninvasive technique to evaluate the muscle fiber characteristics using q-space imaging

Fig 1

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) diffusion raw data.

Axial and sagittal T2-weighted MRI scans were performed as reference scans for muscle identification and measurement. The region with the maximum circumferential diameter in the calf is confirmed. Region of interests of tibialis anterior muscle (TA) and soleus muscle (SOL) for MRI analysis were shown in T2-weighted axial image. We identified the muscles in contact with the tibia and fibula as markers and obtained the histologies from the vicinity of these bones. Axial diffusion-weighted image with the largest calf circumference was used. TA: tibialis anterior muscle, SOL: soleus muscle, *: biopsy site of TA, **: biopsy site of SOL.

Fig 1
