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Late effects of total body irradiation on hematopoietic recovery and immune function in rhesus macaques

Fig 3

Lymphocyte subset recovery at a median of 55 months (~ 5 years) post-irradiation.

Values of each parameter as determined by complete blood count (A) or flow cytometry of peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated by density gradient centrifugation (B–F) are shown as a function of radiation dose in Gy as the x-axis for all plots. Each point represents a different subject (n = 43). A. Absolute lymphocyte counts, cells x 106/μL; B. T cell %; C. CD4 T cell %; D. CD4 CD45RAhigh (naïve) %; E. CD8 T cell %; F. CD4 CD45RAhigh (naïve) %. * indicates Asterisk (*) in panel B indicates p = 0.0004 for dose-based comparison of irradiated and control animals using the Jonckheere-Terpstra test. Raw data are provided in S1 Table.

Fig 3
