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Failure of bumetanide to improve outcome after intracerebral hemorrhage in rat

Fig 2

24-hour hematoma volume and 28-day lesion volume.

(A) Hematoma volume (μL) data from experiment 1 (n = 8/group) showed that bumetanide did not significantly affect bleeding (P = 0.515). (B) Total tissue loss (mm3), including injury and atrophy, from experiment 6 (n = 16/group) showed that bumetanide did not significantly affect the volume of injury (P = 0.878). (C) Representative histological images at 28 days post-ICH. The black line demarcates the lesion border, and that along with atrophy (e.g., ventriculomegaly) is used to determine tissue loss. This rat, which was in the high dose group, had a total tissue loss of 49.44 mm3. All data presented as mean ± 95% confidence interval.

Fig 2
