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Growth factors expression and ultrastructural morphology after application of low-level laser and natural latex protein on a sciatic nerve crush-type injury

Fig 2

Immunoreactivity and semi-quantitative analysis of NGF after nerve injury.

NGF expression (brown, arrow; arrowhead—endothelial cells) 4 weeks after nerve injury in the groups: Control. Control group; Exposed. Exposed nerve without injury; Injury. Injured nerve without treatment; LLLT. Injured nerve treated with LLLT; F1 protein. Injured nerve treated with F1 protein; and LLLT & F1 protein. Injured nerve treated with LLLT and F1 protein (Mags: X400). 4W. NGF expressions graph of the period, same letters (a, b and c) represent equalities among the groups (p > 0.05). NGF expression (brown, arrow; arrowhead—endothelial cells) 8 weeks after nerve injury in the groups: Control’. Control group; Exposed’. Exposed nerve; Injury’. Injured nerve; LLLT’. Injured nerve with LLLT; F1 protein’. Injured nerve with F1 protein; and LLLT & F1 protein’. Injured nerve with LLLT and F1 protein (Mags: X400). 8W. NGF expressions graph of the period, the same letters (d and e) represent equalities among the groups (p > 0.05).

Fig 2
