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The effects of electric power lines on the breeding ecology of greater sage-grouse

Fig 5

Effect of power lines on the greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; sage-grouse) in Utah, portions of southeastern Idaho, and southwestern Wyoming, USA, 1998–2013.

Lines are population-averaged fitted values from the best-fit GLMM (S5 Appendix) describing the effects of transmission lines (A) and distribution lines (B) on sage-grouse nest success. The vertical dashed line identifies the response threshold at which sage-grouse response changes. The shaded areas highlight uncertainty (ΔAICc < 2) around the location of the response threshold. Circles represent a binning of data points that informed the model; sample sizes within each 1 km bin are identified in parentheses. For example, 15 nests were recorded between 0–1 km from a transmission line, of which 40% (n = 6) persisted.

Fig 5
