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Genetic diversity and population structure of domestic and wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L. 1758): A novel approach using BovineHD BeadChip

Fig 5

A. Maximum likelihood tree of all studied reindeer groups with no migration events based on 8357 SNPs. B. The residual plot, corresponding to the tree with no migration events based on 8357 SNPs. Note: NEN_M–Nenets breed of the Murmansk region; NEN_N–Nenets breed of the Nenets Autonomous district; EVK–Evenk breed, EVN–Even breed; CHU–Chukotka-Khargin breed; TMR–Taymyr Peninsula, LNO–Leno-Olenek, SUN–Sundrun, and TGA–taiga (boreal forest) wild populations. Colors are described in the palette on the right.

Fig 5
