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Bridging the translational gap: Implementation of multimodal small animal imaging strategies for tumor burden assessment in a co-clinical trial

Fig 6

Reliability and consistency of tumor volume measurements in repeated scans with limb repositioning.

T2-weighted images were analyzed to determine reproducibility of tumor volume measurements resulting from three consecutive scans of sarcoma-bearing limbs in three positions. Each mouse was scanned three times in succession, with the tumor-bearing limb positioned under the surface coil in a flexed, relaxed, or extended position to shift the location and shape of the tumor (represented as blue in the diagram shown in (A)). ROIs were hand-drawn slice-by-slice in triplicate in each resulting image (9 total measurements per mouse) (B), and calculated volumes were compared for repeatability (user precision) and reproducibility (consistency with shifting position) (C). ANOVA analysis of volume reproducibility suggested no dependence of volume measurements on leg position (D), and precision of hand-drawn measurements was confirmed using Brown-Forsythe (E).

Fig 6
