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Blood-stage Plasmodium vivax antibody dynamics in a low transmission setting: A nine year follow-up study in the Amazon region

Fig 2

Temporal dynamics of naturally-acquired antibody responses to P. vivax blood-stage antigens during the study period.

The proportion of responders (A) and median relative antibody levels (B) determined by ELISA using recombinant DBPII-related (DBPII-Sal1, DBPII- Brz1 and DEKnull-2), AMA-1 and MSP-119 antigens. ELISA results were expressed as the medians of the Reactivity index (RI) for each antigen (B), while the proportion of responders (A) was determined by considering RI > 1.0 as ELISA-positive response. The cross-sectional surveys were carried-out as described in the legend of Fig 1.

Fig 2
