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Hypertension prevents a sensory stimulation-based collateral therapeutic from protecting the cortex from impending ischemic stroke damage in a spontaneously hypersensitive rat model

Fig 1

Treated hypertensive rats lack cortical activity at 24 hours post-pMCAO.

Experimental schema with ISOI representative cases for treated (top) and untreated (bottom) subjects, before (left) and 24 hours after (right) pMCAO. Treated (n = 7) and untreated (n = 7) subjects have normal whisker functional representations (WFR) at baseline. After imaging, all subjects received a pMCAO (dashed vertical red line), which was followed immediately by 2 hours of whisker stimulation treatment or a no-stimulation period. At 24 hours post-pMCAO, all subjects lacked a WFR. Green arrows indicate the direction of whisker movement during stimulation.

Fig 1
